... Isn't it the time to think about where we are going and what is the purpose?
Today majority of students are struggling day and night to get a seats in prestigious colleges or universities, so that they can get good percentage and a job in a reputed company.
Finally so that they can earn lots and lots of money for themselves and their children. Again their children would study in school for the sake of getting seats in good colleges, universities, then jobs in companies and this circle goes on ....Even when it comes to selection of groups / streams or options in higher education, many parents force their children to take the group that has more earning potential in today's market. They fail to understand that their child has to work in that field all their life, sometimes without even being interested in that subject/ field.
Is the selection of a career only motivated by its potential to earn money?
Doesn't it matter whether the person is interested or not in that work or field? Millions of parents and children are blindly participating in this race for survival, without realising the meaning and use of education or knowledge, without understanding what a career means and what is the means of working somewhere? Many of my students keep asking me which group to opt in engineering or which specialization to take up in MBA etc. I just tell them to understand the meaning of each option, know about the kind of aspects dealt in each field, then think on which field or aspects they would be interested to work all through their life. What kind of work would they do with interest and dedication forever? If they choose a field of their basic interest, they would work effortlessly and would also contribute a lot to the development of that field also.Choosing some field just because there is better pay scale or earning potential is ridiculous.
In the process of interaction with my neighbours, I was speaking with a boy of class X.
I came to know that he was studying daily from morning 4am till night 11pm, includes studying at home, school and tuitions, home tuitions etc. He was spending almost 18 hours a day to study for the so called great challenge of his life so far .. . SSC. He simply learned because he has to get a seat in a good college, thereby get a good rank in the competitive exams such as EAMCET, AIEEE, IIT etc. He was least bothered what that concepts meant and how or where it is applied in the real life.
I came to know that he was studying daily from morning 4am till night 11pm, includes studying at home, school and tuitions, home tuitions etc. He was spending almost 18 hours a day to study for the so called great challenge of his life so far .. . SSC. He simply learned because he has to get a seat in a good college, thereby get a good rank in the competitive exams such as EAMCET, AIEEE, IIT etc. He was least bothered what that concepts meant and how or where it is applied in the real life.
Today majority of students are learning their lessons, question and answers, objective, problems etc for the single purpose of gaining marks in some exam.Parents and educational institutions are measuring the efforts by number of hours, rather than the knowledge gained by the student. Education is meant to give us knowledge. The basic aim of a student is supposed to be gaining knowledge, not just for the sake of marks, but for the pleasure of gaining knowledge itself. We need to develop a thirst for knowledge, a scientific temper and a desire to learn more among the students. The more they learn, the more they would understand the world around them. It would help them lead a better meaningful life ! Society need to abstain their stress upon gaining higher percentages, marks or ranks, rather show keen interest in developing the available knowledge and thereby motivate the next generations to gain new knowledge and pursue new concepts, systems and technologies for a better world.
Many parents are forcing their children to take M.P.C. / science groups even though the children are not interested in maths or science, after their 10th class.
They see C.E.C. / arts groups as a subject for dull students. But again that's a wrong notion.Sciences and Arts have their own fields of application and their own branches which are thriving successfully. There are many challenging careers one can opt in Arts groups too. But biased thinking of some parents and misunderstanding of some sectors is leading to the forcing of students into the fields in which they are not at all interested. That would only result in their failure or would produce a bad workmen in that field. Finally, unable to cope up with the way they have chosen or forced into, they are taking an exit by "committing suicides". There are many opportunities in every field. Let us not see this world with our own limitations and force it on the next generations.
Is it the purpose of education only to gain livelihood or earn money? Is the purpose of knowledge only to equip us to secure higher jobs and salaries? Is the purpose of life only to survive in this world with better financial status? Today many bridges or fly overs fall down due to few engineers who lack proper knowledge, many patients die due to the wrong medication of some ignorant doctors, lakhs of culprits roam about freely due to many lawyers without morals, thousands of terrorists strike the peace in this world due to their immoral character and lack of understanding on the beauty of life and its purpose.
Education should help an individual to become a better person in the first place. Teach them proper values and principles to lead a meaningful life.
Let the children
GAIN KNOWLEDGE not merely Marks
Choose the field of THEIR INTEREST
Work for ACHIEVEMENT not merely for earning Money
become a GOOD HUMAN not just an educated person.
Please leave ur valuable feedback and your comments
Today Education has become a business for majority of the institutions and an invest for majority of the parents. Student gas become a raw material between these TWO forces. Its time we realise the facts and give them the freedom to choose their own interests, learn for pleasure and gain knowledge and come up as a successful individual, who can contribute to the progress of this country. A change is required in the perspective of Parents, institutions and the students as well.
Do you agree with me? Share your comments. Thanks in advance ...
Once again a meaningful post from you, its very apt for the current generation. I am very glad that my parents didnt force me in education, never bothered about my marks or percentage, they just wanted me to have right knowledge. I have seen many of my friends struggling to live up to their parents expectations. I wish atleast people like them will change atleast now and let their children study what they like and have good knowledge to become good citizens of our country...
hi sir..
nice post...
while reading ur post.. im visualizing my past...
i dont know which branch to choose when completed 10th/inter...because of lack of knowledge on specializations and proper guidance..
but today i m happy with my stream(electronics)..and opted mtech specialization(vlsi) as per my interest..
and in future what ever i do, i wil listen to my heart and go a head..
Thanks for sharing ur inputs. You are lucky as ur parents let u study the courses of your choice and allowed you to choose ur own career. but as in case of ur friends, many parents are forcing their children into certain courses or professions n students are unwillingly studying them. This scenario should change, if we want to have a strong n powerful youth for our country.
Thanks for ur comments.You are also lucky, as u have found a career of ur choice. Even though u jumped into certain stream in confusion, but u landed in the right river ... good to know that. All the parents need to understand the meaning n value of education, career n work. Only then we can expect a drastic change in the society.
Hi Manikanth garu,
Again a good post from u.
Yes i compleatly agree with u'r opinions.
I think now a days many students are in pressure to survive in this competitive world.
I have seen many students selecting different career paths with out their interest,just for the sake of their parents and neibours.
now adays most of the parents comparing their children with the other childrens.i belive that no one in this world r born with the good brain.may be one children can give better out put in one aspect which the other maynot do better in that aspect.So we should not compare with others.every one have their own unique identity.
And last year some students asked me when i am in hyderabad,like what type of jobs and career we need to gothrough?. it means they even don't know their interest of career even after graduation.
I just want to share one experience :-one student after his graduation came to hyderabad and searching for job in hyderabad.he has seen many of his friends joining in software courses.which he even don't know about the meaning of SOFTWARE.and his parents also forcing him to join any software course.(why parents forcing him! because in his village one person got selected in mnc and getting good salary).because of this reason parents forcing his son to go in a software field.
Now he is under pressure.and it's been 2 years he did't get the job in software field.i know many students living like this now a days with out interest to go in this field.So it was happening only because of parents,neighbors,Comparision, and Finally lack of guidence.
So, My opinion is After the graduation, parents also should disscuss with their children about his career.and let him take the decision according to his interest and capability.so that he will create histories in future(lokam chadive atani katha ku appude srikaram chudatadu).because he selected his own path(with interest). And he live his rest of the life with more happiness.
Manikanth garu,really a nice topic u have selected.