"Ramu got down from his village bus. This is the first time he is coming to Hyderabad. He was so excited with the feeling of coming to this city. He has often seen beautiful places, restaurants, parks and
exciting locations to hang out in the films. His long wish is realised today. He visited some busy centers of the city all the day and was impressed with the charisma of the city life. Beautiful buildings, attractive malls, luxurious hotels, restaurants, cinema halls, super markets and what not ! By night he reached the address given by his villager, who is living in the city from few years.
An auto took him to the address and he was shocked to see that the area was so foul. There were not even proper roads, water filled in the potholes and made the journey a trouble. He wondered if this is also a part of the city. It was just the beginning it didn't take much time for him to realise that people in the city have to compete for everything from drinking water to the parking space. They have to fight everyday for many things starting from cinema ticket to the election seat. They suffer from lack of food to power cuts. No one cared for the other and everyone is concerned with their own work and income. He wondered now if his village life was more peaceful and comfortable than this.
He saw that majority of the people in the area are in search of work or jobs. Many small business were closed and people could rarely manage to lead a decent life. He wondered how the city has TWO extreme contrasts in life style and survival. Great sky scrapers, big shopping malls, luxurious hotels, innumerable vehicles on one side ... shabby houses, dirty lanes, unemployed youth, miserable elders, helpless children on other side. He couldn't understand why Beggars still exist in spite of so much development? He couldn't understand why a person doesn't even find water to drink on one side and someone else is swimming in the pool of champagne on other side.
Why so much inequality and imbalance? He couldn't make out anything ...
However, he realised one thing that his village life is much better than this wrecthed city life. He decided to return to his village catching the first bus to his village in the morning. Ramu reached the village but this time with a different outlook. The green grass and lovely trees looked so beautiful, the air smelled so great, the nature was looking at its best. He wondered how he didn't notice all this from so many years. He was happy that he is back to his heaven, where no child is crying for food, no women is uncared for, no youth wasting their muscles and no one is starving for being wanted."
We are progressing rapidly in this emerging world, but at tne same time we are losing many things too. It is time we realise that and think once if it is really worthwhile. On the name of Globalisation, we have invited multinational companies and prospered economically. There is a rise in the national income, but still more than 60% of Indian population are below poverty level, not earning even Rs.50 per day. We have international airports and multi national companies, but people couldn't get enough buses on time. Millions are struggling for proper drinking water and daily needs. we have the branches of every big company of the world, but still millions are unemployed, fighting for survival. Whose income and standard of living is increasing ?
Agriculture is the main occupation of our country, but lakhs of farmers are commiting sucide. Villages are said to be the identity of our country. But only old people are left in the villages and all the youth are moving to towns and cities in search of work or job. Multi national companies no more produce just costly industrial products, they would provide you rice, pulses, vegetables and even a hari cut in air condition. We are happy with the comfort of shopping in A.C. but how many shopkeepers have closed their businesses due to the involvement of capitalists in small markets.
How many artisans, carpenters, tailors, barbers, vegetable sellers and small merchants are struggling for survival. Who would provide them the required livelihood. How can they feed their families?
I can understand that development and progress is essential for a country, but on what basis. Government is blindly becoming a spectator and granting permissions to all kinds of business, as long as they are getting good revenue. They do not bother the counter effects of these businesses on the common man and poor families.
Right from Educational institutions and health facilities to super markets and retail stores, all sectors are covered by the investment of big corporates.What is the need for an industrial gaint to start a super market or a barber shop? Is that field backward or isn't there anyone providing those services earlier? Isn't there any check on who can do what? If so, all the rich people would invest their money in almost all sort of business and they earn huge profits. They become richer and richer day by day. The middle class and poor people would struggle for existance. Is Democracy giving way to "Capitalism"? Crorepatis invest their money in lands and business, manipulate the markets such that the prices are no more within the reach of a common man. Today a common man only dreams of owning a OWN HOUSE, even buying the food items and gas etc became a difficult thing for a common man.
Who is responsible for this situation? Do we need to stop the trend of globalisation or does the government need to keep the economy under a check and run it under a controlled environment?
India is also a socialist country apart from democratic and republic, as per our constitution. Socialist country is the one which strives for the development of the poor and backward people, which tries to decrease the inequalities in the society by supporting the poor and framing policies that facilitate economical equality and give fair chances of survival to everyone. But are the words in constitution implemened in real time? I wonder how many Ministers and politicians even know the constitution and the ideals of democracy ! Is the government just a spectator in this deadly fight for the survival? Can't WE do anything to reduce or avoid this? Are we so helpless? Are we just spectators in this game show and be satisfied that we are atleast not the victims for time being???
Please give ur comments and opinions below . . .
Please give ur comments and opinions below . . .
This post is intended to bring some crucial issues which are going unnoticed in our society. Social inequality, problems of common man are being neglected. Government and general public are more concerned about politics, films or sports rather than worrying about the struggle for existence of their brothers.
WE public need to be vigilant and take steps to see that our leaders frame policies which are beneficial to common men and stop the practises which fill the pockets of the few rich people. Just wanted to bring this topic to the notice of all, so that today we may atleast think about it and when time comes we are ready to ACT !
Plz share ur opinions and thoughts !
A very nice and thought provoking post Mr. Manikanth.
Liked it!!!
Even I really dont understand why these multinational companies are eying on the small trades. Where ever you go their products follow us and if it is the case where shall small business men and other go and survive?
And for this I first blame the politicians and then every youth.
Because we are responsible for these kind of things..
No youth will buy a coconut for their partner coz its shamefull but ready to buy a coca cola or pepsi.. and many more such examples..
No youth is concerned about environment, agriculture and society .. just they are concerned about their families and money...
I dont even care if any body deny it...
Because it is fact..
Its good to see such a great post manikanth, i really liked it, especially the line "Ramu reached the village but this time with a different outlook. The green grass and lovely trees looked so beautiful, the air smelled so great, the nature was looking at its best. He wondered how he didn't notice all this from so many years." i can jus imagine in front of my eyes :, the pic with globe and two lifestyles is too good.
we cant directly blame the youth, b'coz many of them are taking responsibilty of changing few things in helping others. The thing is in present life ppl feel tht they need support to do a good work, but it is not, we can take vijay ram sir(emerald sweet shop owner)as example.
i feel politicians should utilise their power on right things in proper way.
This is a set of most complicated issues that India has been facing since independence....
we just can't suggest some practices to remove these deep rooted inhibitions ... Loads of thinking and Intellectual Reviews are needed to face these issues....
So No Comments from my Side ... But I can say its really very nice from your side, you are trying to showcase the most difficult challenges awaiting us ... Definitely thought provoking
Keep up the good work :)
A very good article. Liked it!
You could also share some ideas for people like us to follow, so that we could at least try to make the situation better.
Like say, shop the grosseries only in the small (kirana)shops, like our parents used to, in our childhood. That at least avoids these small businessmen from closing their business.
hi sir ....nice post...
i came from a village background...
and i know what is lacking in a city..
we need to develop villages..otherwise urban migration will increase day by day...
Thank u friends for ur great support. Iam glad to see that many people are really concerned about the issues related to the society and self development. As some friends said its the role of the youth as well as everyone to improve the society. We all are equally responsible for everything and we are supposed to work for solving these problems within our limitations.
However, the main power to take decisions in such critical issues lies mainly with the politicians, but the power to move this politicians towards action lies in PEOPLE like us ... so, lets try to minimise there problems and work for a better society. feel free to share ur remarks.
Thanks a lot to one and all for ur encouragement and compliments !
Dear Manikanth garu...
It was a really a thought provoking blog and the issues you brought forth can not be ignored for a long time. If ignored the future generations may never forgive us. The only basic cause for this problem is human greed. One person living by himself tries for a house suitable for ten people, he tries to acquire wealth needed for may be for his coming ten generations and so on and so forth but that comes at the cost making people poor and mother nature polluted. But we as the present generation can curb these kind malicious qualities. The first step towards that is we need to change and be ideal to show a path to someone who wants to change. I urge everyone to try to recycle, minimize plastic and polythene. As far as I am concerned I am doing my best to save the nature and i WILL...
Hello Manikanth garu,
Avery nice post again, which touched many issues, with the theme being focused. gud going...
all the best,
and waiting for more articles from you
@Kalyan garu,
Thanks a lot for ur feedback. Its true that Human Greed is the root of many problems today. As Mahatma Gandhi said "Nature has everything that can fulfill man's need, but not his greed." When every tree is cut down and every water body is polluted or lost, may be then Man will realise that we can eat money and gold . . .
Thanks a lot for ur support. Encouragement from friends like u drives me ahead to write on more issues... thanks again ...