"Subba Rao woke up in the morning with a scorn on his face. He was feeling dull and unexcited just like most of his days. He got ready for the office and sat at the breakfast table.
He shouted at his wife for making the same breakfast from the past 3 days, that too quite untasty. He scolded her a lot and left to office. His wife was upset and couldn't tolerate the mischief of the children while they were gettingready. She relieved her anger by scolding the children to her heart's content. The children kept a dull and crying face. On the way to school, they found the usual road side dog. They threw stones at the dog to get rid of their frustation. The dog was hit by a stone and became irritated. As a result of this, a man walking in the market was bitten by this dog. He boarded a bus with difficulty to go to the hospital. The bus was filled with people and conductor shouted at everyone for any possible reason. This man bitten by the dog had a quarrel with the conductor.
This man scolded the conductor a lot for his irresponsibility and inefficiency in his duty. The conductor was very upset. He asked the driver to stop for a tea break, but the driver said that its not the proper place or time. Conductor argued with the driver and called him all the possible names. The driver was so distracted by this argument that he lost his concentration and accidentally hit a car in front of the bus. The Bus driver blamed the car driver and abused him. The car driver in turn went home angrily and shouted on his wife for delaying the lunch. She, being a servant maid, went to her master's house and in frustation cooked a bad meal. The lady /owner of the house was upset by the foul taste of food, but before she could scold, the servant maid left. She shouted on her husband for appointing such a careless cook. The husband had a big argument which became a serious fight at the end. He left to his office very angrily. He found some mistakes in one of the important files. Due to the previous irritation, his anger crossed all the limits and he decided to dismiss/ suspend the concerned employee. He shouted at Subba Rao for his careless work and ordered to terminate his services.
How would Subba Rao feel if he knows that his boss' anger and his termination was the result of his own anger towards his wife in the morning ;-)"
Anger, bad temper and rude behaviour can be great demotivators and create more damage than we expect. They have the potential to spoil the day of a person and take away their peace of mind. More importantly, they are very contagious. A person who suffered due to somebody's bad temper would in turn become angry and shout at someone else. It goes on ... just as mentioned in the above story. As its rightly said in many sanskrit and telugu poems, anger is the first enemy of the person. Majority of the crimes in the world happen due to anger and that is often provocated by some bad behaviour on the part of other. Its a common thing these days where two vehicle owners start argument when they come in each other's way. Instead of giving way with a smile, they frown or shout at the other, which would be enough to start an argument. There are many cases when such arguments lead to severe violence and crime. Let's try to avoid that frown on the face, let's take off that expression of a person fed up with the things and the world. It's not going to help us anyway ... Let's release that burden and keep a smile on our face. See how much difference it can make !
Good behaviour is also contagious ! No doubt, even if we are positive with a smile on the face, it would still hurt when someone would stamp our feet in a public transport. but, we would have patience to bear that and excuse the other person. In other case, this may lead to a quarrel if we are irritated and may lead to lot of problem for many many people all the day.
The positive approach of a single person can make him and the people around him happy. It would in turn create ripples all around. The whole atmosphere and the surroundings would be joyful and comfortable. We can't avoid external problems or other crisis, but we don't need to create unwanted trouble by being irritated, when its possible to accept things with a smile. Let us try to accept others the way they are. Let us try to understand others point of view with a cool mind. Let us think before we burst out our anger ... believe me, these small changes would make a big difference in our life !
Let's try to implement positive behaviour gradually. Say, someone comes in our way on the road from the wrong side, give him/her a smile rather than a frown. Just say "it's ok and give way" rather than shouting "what the hell ru doing?" See the difference in the response of the other person. When some known person drops somethings or causes some little inconvenience to you or things, which couldn't be avoided, try saying "Its alright, I'll take care of it !" See the difference in the way they treat you further. What if you had shown your anger and frustration. It would not reduce your loss or straighten the things, but would create a hostile environment and spoil the relation forever. This life is too small to waste showing anger, frustration and disappointment. Let's try to share happiness, joy and show understanding, care and concern towards others. It would create new friendships, strengthen existing ones, create attachments and affections. It would make you a person people would like to meet, talk and be with. Come .. let us make this world a happy place for us, for our family and friends and for everyone else too ... Finally, its not the situations or the things that make us happy, its our positive outlook and our good behaviour that would bring happiness to us and everyone around us !
Please share ur feedback by giving ur comments below. Click on the "Comments" link !
Helloo manikanth,
Mallleeeeeeee mind blowing blog... reallyy dat frustration train happenss n effectss most of da ppl.. i am a victim of my lecturer who gets frustrated at home n cumss to coollege n scolds us!!!:p sumtimes i feel dat people reallyy forgott to smile.. bt dey never forget to have a plastic smile wn dey are in need of sumthing..strange bt true.
Dat bus feet stamping incident always happens wid me..bt i jst ignore thinking dat what wl dey get by stamping my foot..n it must be by mistake!! my mind calms down dats it..:) i hv a positive outlook towards life but i feel its not enuf n i shud improve a lott..:)
waiting for ur next bloggggg!!!!:)
I agree with what u said. all these things are quite common in a regular life, but a small change of mind, a little modification in our outlook or way of thinking can make a great difference. The main aim of writing this post is to emphasise the need of good behaviour and positive outlook. Thanks for ur feedback and support :-)
hello sir...
nice post again...
ya....smile is the best weapon!!!
when people know value of smile...their anger will be reduced..
yes...people must think form others point of view...
even i need to improve a lot in this point of view..thanks...
hi manikanth....
really very nice one.....
mainly the chain in ur story "how one's anger n frustration spread n make others victim" is very nice...
As a humanbeing we have to love all creatures in this world. no one will be perfect. so we must have the nature of forgiveness. if we start learning to take everything positively it will be easier to reduce anger.
Anger is the worst enemy. It will hurt all the people around us.
One small smile on our face will make us to understand the beauty of relations and colourfull world.
really very nice blog to realize the fact of living positively...
@Pawan and Vidya
Thank you so much for ur comments and encouragement. Hope this post would help people to realise the value of keeping anger under control and lead a peaceful life ! Thanks once again for ur sipport.