" He woke up suddenly from sleep and with some anxiety he looked at the alarm clock that was beside his bed. He looked at it under the light of his bed lamp and gave a sigh of relief to find that the time was only 3 AM.
His head was as heavy as holding a mountain, may be due to the work out he did till mid night. He slept for a small nap again, but has to get up at after an hour anyway to attend his coaching.

Today was his big day, his parents asked several questions about his preparation at the breakfast table adding more tension to his mind. He had a do or die situation in front of him. He knew that today was the day which would decide his future.
Little Roshan entered into his classroom with all this thoughts and sat down to write his annual exam. He has to pass this Maths examination with more than 90 marks. He can’t even imagine what trouble would fall on him if he couldn’t.
He shivered a minute remembering the threats he got from his parents and teachers when he got 85 precentage last year in Class I. He has to get 90% above this time in class II, else he couldn’t even survive in home or at school . . . "

I don’t know what happened to Roshan after that ! May be he got that 90% and satisfied his parents and teachers with all his hard work and labour OR may be he ran away from home unable to face his parents and teachers for getting 89% … unmindful of the fact that out there in the world there are bigger troubles to face such as child labour, human trafficking , forceful begging and a long list of abuses and crime.
Its common that the readers wish that he would have got that 90% and stayed at home. But how far is this life better than the other counter part? A child of 7 years is forced to study for more than 10 hours. No time to play or have fun, unless its summer vacation.
Then too so many coachings, tuitions, summer camps … parents want their children to learn everything from singing, dancing, swimming to cricket and horse riding. They want great marks to show to their neighbours and relatives, they want their child to be the best in everything . . . THEY WANT A LOT AND LOT AND LOT ! but what does that CHILD WANTS ???

Education is a combination of Academics (subject knowledge) and Values (morals and ethics).
Today children are being forced to read, read and re-read to get more marks, but very few teachers and parents are bothered to know how much knowledge the child has learnt from the lessons. They know every formula and definition, but don’t understand the concept. They can answer 1000s of objective questions, but do not realize what the objective behind studying them is? They know the equations, derivations and algebraic expressions, but don’t know how, when and where they can explicitly use them. We are only at consuming the food up to the limits, but isn’t it necessary to get digested such that it can be useful to our body? Simply getting marks will not help in future unless it is combined with good subject knowledge. It may matter in today’s world if the marks are 90 or 80 but it would surely matter much more in future, if we understand the subjects and know the concepts or not.

Living in between such kind of parents and studying in such kind of schools, can we expect the children to grow up morally and ethically? I wonder how many today even know what they mean? That is the reason we have doctors who deny to treat a dying patient unless they pay the money, we have scientist who use their valuable knowledge in making dangerous products that even challenge the existence of man, we have lawyers who don’t mind which side they are, as long as they are well paid … so on and on in every field, in every capacity. One of the major setback in today’s world is the way we are giving Education to the next generations. I do not worry much about illiteracy or ignorance they can be dealt with. But what makes me more concerned is the existence of academicians without knowledge and genius without morals.

Do we have any answer for this? Last time I heard Literacy percentage in India was 66% by 2007. What would be the percentage of EDUCATED people if we consider the words of Vivekananda as the definition of Education? How many are really educated and are using their education for the benefit of people, society and the country ?? Do we realize what is EDUCATION infact?
Education is said to be man-making …. But today are we making MEN or MACHINES ??? machines that can work for hours and earn profits for the employers, which can earn money for family and for their survival. I wonder would it be ever possible to teach this machine how to LIVE ?also read my earlier post :
By means of this post, I wish to point out at :
1. Unwanted pressure on children from Parents and schools.
2. Marks race rather than knowledge base.
3.Emphasis on Quantity rather than quality, concerned of no. of hours studied mainly
4. Abuse of Childhood
5. Deficiencies in the present Education system
6. Commerialisation and degradation of values etc.
Plz give ur feedback for sure !
First, thank you for giving value to my words and starting a great blog.
I completely agree with whatever you said in the post. But here I blame ONLY parents for this kind of situation. Now a ways parents are more concerned and feel proud only if their children study in so called corporate schools who never provides basic education with moral values and always after money making.
Please for GOD sake I request these parents to change into reality and educate their children or else we might see an INDIA which has 100% literacy rate but no knowledge and wisdom.
hi manikanth i accepted what u said
abt education.....
but don't blame parents..
we should worry abt our education system...where the schools /colleges needs good ranks thats all..they r not worrying abt quality (knowledge)
in education...
coming to parents...side... they should know abt their chidrens first in which field they r interested..and parents have to try to aware their child... in general things (morals and ethics) even in some other things...
here parents role is up to certain age of their children's (until they got mental maturity).. after that it depends on indivisual person... they can decide abt themselves abt their life....
so what i meant to say is the childhood of every person sholud be good ( means they sholud know abt morals and ethics) to become good persons in the society..
once they have good ethics then society will automatically becomes good.
so Education is very important to make man perfect..in many aspects of life....
Thanks for ur feedback Naveen, I agree with ur above points. Even in issue of parents, Iam not blaming them alone. The main problem is with the education system. But again we can't deny that majority of the parents today are putting pressure on children to perform better. I have personally seen many schools and college students in that pressure, as Iam into Educational field.
However, at the end our purpose is not to find fault with anyone, but rather realise the defects or setbacks and overcome them for a better future. Let's hope Our Education becomes more meaningful and useful in future . . .
yeah u r right ok....
wat a gr8 post sir............
i m one of the victim of this education system...
here apart frm parents,primary school teachers r also responsible..
"there is no profession in the world that is so important to the society then that of a teacher"
so,change should come in both ways..
then only we can see a developed india..
yeah manikanth garu, this coming generation children are lacking moral values.. earlier our grand parents are used to teach us moral stories and all but now-a-day there are no combined/big families and the both parents are working. the parents are very busy and they always bother about their carrier but they are not giving imp to value education.
The examples stated on doctors lawyers n scientists is very nice... it adds lot to get us understand importance of the moral values.
manikanth garu ur doing really a gr8 job... u can even publish this to magazines or newspaper.
Thanks for ur compliments. ur right the change should come from both sides, only then we can make some difference in this world . . .
Thanks for ur feedback. You have mentioned an important point too. Joint families had the advantage of having the guidance of elders, but today people are so self centered. Lets hope there would be a change someday. Thanks for ur kind words too . . .
I feel this strongly Manikanth. I am not satisfied with present Education where we are losing our precious time for that By-hearting, repeated boring studies. From schooling IIT coaching.Even children below 7th are not allowed to play. Knowledge, confidence, self-survival is not being taught. Many parents are forcing children to study what they are interested and not caring for children’s desire. Just Engineering, Degree, Medicine are well developed. There are many fields like Food Technology, Agriculture Engg., Environmental Studies which don’t have many colleges and we don’t have sufficient information to join.
I think Parents , Schools, Colleges should stop thinking commercially and plan for brighter future of children.
Hi Divya, what u said is 100% true. Today's educational system has many flaws. They are converting students in to machines supposed to get marks n earn moeny, rather than making them sensible humans who could survive and lead a meaningful life.
Thanks a lot of for ur comments n thoughts.