" Manish started his bike and went to pick up his close friends from their room. Three of them zoomed past the bikes and cars like the flash of a lightning. But unfortunately there was a police checking and they couldn't manage to skip that. As usual Manish gave Rs.100 to the constable and managed to get out of it without a heavy challan. His friend asked if it was not immoral to bribe, but Manish thought that there is no moral either in paying the government where politicians loot the same money through various scams.
Manish and his friend went to the M.R.O. (Mandal Revenue Office)for some certificate and Manish needed it urgently.
He managed to pay some bribe to the peon and received the certificate much earlier than the supposed time. They reached home and to his shock the power didn't resume even after a cut of 12 hours. He knew that the officials wouldn't do their own duty unless someone bribes them. He sat reading the newspaper and the news of corrupt practices, crimes, scams irritated him. He was disgusted with the state of affairs in the society.
During a chat with his friends in the evening, he began blaming the system. Every person in the system is corrupt. There is no sincerity or honesty left among the officers or politicians. Everyone works for their own profit. No one is concerned of the society or the development of the country. The police, the officers, the leaders, politicians ... everyone of them are corrupt. All such people should be shot dead, but again someone else would replace them. The whole system is corrupt. At last they left the topic and dispersed on a common note that nothing could be done about this. We just have to learn to live with it . . ."
Its a common story with millions of Youth in our country. We find fault with everyone else, but not ourselves.
How and where is this corruption born? How does it survive? If a small child doesn't eat food, we tell them that we would buy an ice cream or give some chocolate for eating. If a child doesn't go to shop, we give a rupee or two to persuade. If a student gets rank, we promise a bicycle or even a bike. Who is teaching corruption? Aren't we contributing to the systematic growth of this corrupt thoughts . . . If we want a seat in an institute, we bribe the management. If we want a good position in job, we bribe the employers. If we want to escape from law, we bribe the policeman. If want work to be done sooner, we bribe the staff. When WE DO IT, its reasonable. If a business man wants some favour, he would bribe the leaders. If a big company wants a multi million contract it would bribe the related ministers. Now its not reasonable? IT becomes CORRUPTION? What goes around, comes around. Today we grab the opportunities of some one else thourgh illegal means, tomorrow some one else would do the same with us.
We burn the buses for every possible reason. Who pays for the new buses, government of course ! We even break tube lights or other public property for fun, who pays for that? The municipality, of course ! We destroy the nature, who pays ... not us? We pollute the Environment, who pays ... of course, who cares ! We safely ignore that one day we have to pay for all this. Who is responsible for this poverty, corruption, injustice and all kinds of exploitation?
Its WE, the people. We are responsible for every kind of evil in society, directly or indirectly.
We all need someone else to change, but no one has any intention to change themselves. How many of us follow the traffic rules, how many of us pay the taxes promptly, how many of us work sincerely n honestly at work? How many of us give more value to the principles rather than money? How many of us resist injustice? How many of us stand against exploitation? How many of us work for the society? How many of us would DO something for the country? Lets stop blaming the people AROUND us and ask these questions to the person inside us.
We still compromise OUR RIGHT TO VOTE for a mere 100 or 500 rupee note or a biryani packet n a packet of liquor ! We ignore our 5 years of governance to an entertainment of few hours. We vote for a party or leader being carried away by the name, without finding out the facts. We sit and watch crime news everyday and we are glad that we are not the victims .... We are so responsible and we talk of CHANGING THE SYTEM !
Change should come from SELF !Society, country and its system all are made by its people. If WE change, then gradually the whole system would change. Drops of water together make an Ocean. Do not doubt if the country would develop if a single person would change. Atleast some percentage of development would be there. If a seed had wondered, if it could give rise to such a big tree, there would never had been a single tree or any great forests in this world. Lets stop complaining. Lets do OUR every DUTY honestly and sincerely. Let us be a sincere student, a honest employee, a responsible citizen, a compassionate neighbour. That's what is called as "Social Responsibility". Let us first be the Change and then try to change the things around us. If every one of US could Change, it won't take much time for the country of our dreams to become a reality. I eagerly look forward for that day ... are YOU interested too?
My Salutes to the great patriots and leaders
who have sacrificed everything in their life to realize this dream of a glorious Nation !
Also read my other posts :
Our Life : missing today for a distant tomorrow
Introspection : thinking of Humanity !
Education - making of man or a machine ?
Love Aajkal : What is TRUE LOVE?
NOTE : Do not forget to give your comments. It surely inspires to write more . . . :-)
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