Love is the only thing which touches almost every human being in the world atleast once in their lifetime. There are many definitions for love. Great poets have sung immortal songs and wrote eternal verses in praise of Love. I believe the meaning and value of Love in ones life depends upon their perspective. It surely depends on the situtions and circumstances one faces too, but more importantly on how he/she reacts to them. Iam writing on this topic to share the idea of true love and the myths that lie around it too, as per my knowledge.

[btw, this topic is for those who are settled or matured enough for a permanent relation. Youngsters and strugglers, please read this topic instead : Love Aajkal - What is true Love? ]
Does Love has a reason to emerge? How is Love different from Liking?
Many people say that Love starts without any reason. A parent loves his son/ daughter due to their blood relation. A friend loves another for the qualities he/ she likes in him/her. Basically, there is a reason for love to emerge, it may or may not be realised by the person. When one likes someone due to certain characters such as beauty, talent or their behaviour, that liking ceases once those qualities are lost. But when he/ she loves someone, those qualities no more have much importance, even though they brought them together. Love creates intense feelings which do not depend on anything anymore. A feeling which doesn't change for anything in the world. May be that's the reason people say that "Love is blind" because once we love someone, we no longer see their bad or negative aspects. But, in case, if the love subsides once the characters of our liking are lost, its time to realise that there was no love infact. It was just liking or to be more precise, it was an infatuation.
Qualities of True Love :
1. True Love is eternal. It would not diminish or disappear gradually.
Its most common that during initial days, a person appreciates every aspect of the other. But gradually the person loses interest and sees only the vices or negative aspects after sometime. Its a sign to understand that what they had was just a momentary attraction, but not true love.
Sometimes people are attracted to each other due to certain reasons such as physical attraction, behaviour or attitude, like mindedness etc. but they realise after sometimes that they are practically not suitable to live together. One needs to differentiate between attraction and love, else it would only result in a bad relation.
2. A person accepts the loved one the way they are. Never complaining or trying to change the him/ her.
When people are in the initial days, they love meeting and spending time together. But when they have to love together, they have to make many changes for each other. Practially many problems crop up at such times. The diversity which used to fascinate in the beginning appears to be a problem later. If a person has true love, they should be willing to make the necessary changes within themselves for their loved ones and accept the other person the way they are, rather than changing them or forcing them to change as per our convenience. It needs lot of understanding and sacrificing nature for true Love to bloom in life.
3. The Happiness of the loved one becomes more important than our own happiness.
Many people do anything to achieve their love. It is natural to do anything for something we deeply desire. But doing anything for the happiness of other person is a challenge.
At times, one may have to do something against their wish for the happiness of other. When there is a conflict between what one wants and the loved one wants, true love is to sacrifice one's wish and do that which gives happiness to the loved one. People those who claim to love the other, but compel them to act as per their wishes or desires need to understand that its selfish love, but not true love.
Above list may be added with more points, but these are the main essence of True Love. Today's generation needs to understand the value of these qualities of True Love. The acid attackers or psycho lovers need to understand that what they have is only attaraction or selfishness. If they truly love the person, they wouldn't do anything against the wish of their loved one. Hurting them or punishing them is beyond imagination. In case, if the someone's loved one feels more happy without him/ her, a true lover should gladly move away, for the happiness of the loved one is more important for a person who has True Love.
Many people are misunderstanding attraction or lust as Love and getting trapped in relations which are becoming a burden throughout their life or leaving a blot on their life. In this generation of movies and tv shouting out more louder than our conscience, in a time where not having a girl friend is seen as a weakness, not dating someone is treated as incapability, its easy to fall in love with something that fascinates a person. Its fun to spend time together and enjoy the adventures. but, for true love to win in life, there are these challenges one need to face, some tough decisions one need to take.
Before coming to a conclusion that one is in love, they need to ask themselves if they can accept the person the way they are, can they do anything for the happiness of the other, can they sacrifice their own happiness for their loved one,
can they control themselves without causing any hurt or trouble to the one they love and can they maintain the same love and caring all their life, irrespective of any situation or circumstances. Love is most divine and the origin of this Earth. Its the force that runs this world, but do not be lead by wrong notions. See if you find those qualities in you towards someone and analyse if the other person could do all these for you. Decide wisely and if n when you find True Love from someone or developed True Love for someone, your life would find its purpose :-) All the best !
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[btw, this topic is for those who are settled or matured enough for a permanent relation. Youngsters and strugglers, please read this topic instead : Love Aajkal - What is true Love? ]
Does Love has a reason to emerge? How is Love different from Liking?
Many people say that Love starts without any reason. A parent loves his son/ daughter due to their blood relation. A friend loves another for the qualities he/ she likes in him/her. Basically, there is a reason for love to emerge, it may or may not be realised by the person. When one likes someone due to certain characters such as beauty, talent or their behaviour, that liking ceases once those qualities are lost. But when he/ she loves someone, those qualities no more have much importance, even though they brought them together. Love creates intense feelings which do not depend on anything anymore. A feeling which doesn't change for anything in the world. May be that's the reason people say that "Love is blind" because once we love someone, we no longer see their bad or negative aspects. But, in case, if the love subsides once the characters of our liking are lost, its time to realise that there was no love infact. It was just liking or to be more precise, it was an infatuation.
Qualities of True Love :
1. True Love is eternal. It would not diminish or disappear gradually.
Its most common that during initial days, a person appreciates every aspect of the other. But gradually the person loses interest and sees only the vices or negative aspects after sometime. Its a sign to understand that what they had was just a momentary attraction, but not true love.
2. A person accepts the loved one the way they are. Never complaining or trying to change the him/ her.
When people are in the initial days, they love meeting and spending time together. But when they have to love together, they have to make many changes for each other. Practially many problems crop up at such times. The diversity which used to fascinate in the beginning appears to be a problem later. If a person has true love, they should be willing to make the necessary changes within themselves for their loved ones and accept the other person the way they are, rather than changing them or forcing them to change as per our convenience. It needs lot of understanding and sacrificing nature for true Love to bloom in life.
3. The Happiness of the loved one becomes more important than our own happiness.
Many people do anything to achieve their love. It is natural to do anything for something we deeply desire. But doing anything for the happiness of other person is a challenge.
Above list may be added with more points, but these are the main essence of True Love. Today's generation needs to understand the value of these qualities of True Love. The acid attackers or psycho lovers need to understand that what they have is only attaraction or selfishness. If they truly love the person, they wouldn't do anything against the wish of their loved one. Hurting them or punishing them is beyond imagination. In case, if the someone's loved one feels more happy without him/ her, a true lover should gladly move away, for the happiness of the loved one is more important for a person who has True Love.
Many people are misunderstanding attraction or lust as Love and getting trapped in relations which are becoming a burden throughout their life or leaving a blot on their life. In this generation of movies and tv shouting out more louder than our conscience, in a time where not having a girl friend is seen as a weakness, not dating someone is treated as incapability, its easy to fall in love with something that fascinates a person. Its fun to spend time together and enjoy the adventures. but, for true love to win in life, there are these challenges one need to face, some tough decisions one need to take.
Before coming to a conclusion that one is in love, they need to ask themselves if they can accept the person the way they are, can they do anything for the happiness of the other, can they sacrifice their own happiness for their loved one,
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