"Raman is busy getting ready to office. He couldn't find his wrist watch and one of his office file. He shouted out to his wife. He grabbed the watch and file from his wife and stood impatiently as his children are still not ready to go to school. He was getting late to office. Later, as he was going down the steps, he saw his neighbour, an old man trying to bring the heavy rice bag upstairs all by himself. Raman chose to stay out of the helping business. He said to himself that there would be someone else who is not as busy as him and they could help him.
He dropped his children at school and while he was about to move, he saw a young lad fall down at the gate. He assured himself that he is too busy to go and help this kid. He went to office and the day went on. At last he left the office with a sigh of relief. On the way to home, he finds a man hit by a car. He is lying on the road and blood is oozing out of the wound on his leg. Raman wished to help this man, but he had some work to do at home. he thought there would be someone else who is not as busy as him to help this man. Why does he need to leave his works for taking out time to help others?
One day it happened that a drunken driver hit Raman's bike with his lorry. Raman fell on the other side of the road. He inflicted severe wounds and was in a fatal condition. He expected someone to come and help him out, may be take him to a hospital. But surprisingly, so many people passed from there, but no one bothered to stop their vehicle and help this man. Even the passers-by looked at him for so long, but didn't bothered to take him to a hospital. Why would they take the risk and get into some police case for a stranger. Moreover, who has so much time ! Raman waited anxiously, desperately ... only to be disappointed and before he lost his consciousness he thought "may be everyone is as busy as himself and no one is ever so free to help someone else"
It took a long time to Raman to come out of this incident. He understood that everyone in the world is busy and no one is idle. He realized that one need not be free or idle to help someone, but should have willingness, empathy and concern to help others. He was lucky to have been noticed by a school kid who rang up to 108 and ambulance arrived before it was too late. May be Raman would never know that the boy was the same one whom he didn't bother to lift, when the boy fell down at the school gate. I hope the boy would rarely bother if this man helped him earlier or not, in order to help him. After all, he has not yet learnt the ways of this selfish world ... he is still a boy of 5 years. We rarely know if he could retain the same generosity as he grows up into an adult"
Everyone one in today's world is busy in pursuit of their own dreams and busy passing their own lives. Its very rare that people have time to think of others, help others or solve their problems. People even don't bother to give some love and affection to their own family members. We all are already busy in our own world, so why bother about others? where's the time? Consider the same once again .... what if we are on the receiving end?
We think that why can't someone take out little time to help us? Why can't someone do a small favour? Why no one has any kindness, sympathy or helping nature? Just because they are as busy as anyone else in their own world . . . as it is said - What goes around, comes around !!!
Consider this, take out some time to help someone, gave a smile or a suggestion to someone in need, do something for the benefit of others, just try to make someone happy . . . we would feel more happy than what we were by doing so much for ourselves. Real happiness comes from helping others. As it is said, happiness is in giving, not in taking ! Try to give some happiness to someone today. You need not work very hard for that. We may not realize how many times we neglect our family members, close friends and our well wishers due to some work or other. We always don't need to do a lot, try doing a small favour. Give a smile to a stranger, assure someone in doubt, empathise with someone in trouble, support someone in fear. Try to spare sometime and bring a smile on the face of someone. Take out sometime and think of people around you. See if you can make a small difference in someone's life. may be you can really bring happiness into someone's life by your little acts of kindness .... let the magic work ... Isn't it what we call as "Humanity?"
Still thinking . . . when a crow dies, tens and hundreds of crows come and gather. When an ant finds some food material, it first goes and informs all its team. they work together and share the whole thing equally. When an animal is attacked, all its herd comes to its aid and most importantly an animal of one species rarely kills another one of same species. Even one species do not kill other animal for fun or greed. BUT WHAT ABOUT US? When a fellow man dies or is dying, another man is least bothered. If a man finds some treasure, he will try to hide the truth from all and enjoy the whole treasure for himself. If someone among is attacked, we are glad that it is not me. No animal kills its same species without a serious reason, but we kill every animal and even our own species if necessary. Humans even kill for greed and fun. Animals have so many principles of living together in peace and they have such a good helping and supporting nature. We are such a Hypocrites that we call this kind of character as HUMANITY ! I wonder if we have more animal instincts or animals have more Humanity than us ....
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